Assessment of capacity building needs of training institutions and institutes in charge of climate change adaptation in niger

Article du 18 May 2021

 At the beginning of May, Kinomé went to Niger in order to assess the priority needs for capacity building of training institutions and institutes in charge of adaptation to climate change.


In this country where the effects of global warming are already being felt (recurrent droughts, irregular rainfall, increased risk of flooding, violent sandstorms, destructive invasions of locusts), the government has historically committed to supporting efforts to combat climate change in its national development strategies. While several plans now aim to reduce the country’s vulnerability to climate change, there is still a lack of expertise and insufficient institutional and financial capacity to fully implement them.


In order to fill these gaps and strengthen national capacity on climate change at all levels of planning and budgeting, the Green Climate Fund ( is financing a project “Advancing Medium and Long Term Adaptation Planning and Budgeting in Niger.


For the first phase of this project, Kinomé went to Niamey to conduct workshops to assess the capacities and skills of national institutions and training institutes involved in Climate Change Adaptation. These two workshops gathered 60 people and allowed to determine both the current level of capacities and skills on climate change adaptation but also the desired situation in order to develop an action plan to reach this desirable level.

During these workshops, Kinomé was able to collect a lot of data that now needs to be compiled and analyzed to serve as a basis for the development of appropriate training programs to integrate climate change adaptation into policies and strategies at the highest level.

At the end of 2021, the team will travel a second time to Niger to implement some of these trainings!

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Shot by Damien: Mr. Boukar Abba, former Minister of Agriculture and Livestock and Governor of the region, teams up with Kinomé to implement the workshops in Niamey

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Shot by Damien: Niamey, Niger River