Article du 13 décembre 2019

Climate change requires local responses, but inevitably requires national strategies and planning. COP 25, which began on Monday 2 December in Madrid, seeks to raise the ambition of the commitments made by the signatory states of the Paris Accord.

In line with this dynamic, Kinomé, via AFD’s Adapt’Action Facility, is supporting the Government of Côte d’Ivoire in its process of reviewing its priorities to address the impacts of climate change in response to the country’s commitment to the Paris Agreements. The work resulted in a proposal of sectors to be prioritized and concrete actions to be implemented for Côte d’Ivoire’s adaptation to climate change.

Kinomé is also advising the governments of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire with the World Bank’s Cobobod project. This involves participating in the elaboration of a support fund for the rehabilitation of old orchards and the fight against the swollen shoot virus. This renewal of orchards is an opportunity to introduce innovative models that are more resilient to extreme temperatures.