Soft and Hard Skills Training

Definition, context

The environmental and social crises are leading us to deeply transform our societies. The key to our collective success is to help everyone to contribute to this change. Keeping this perspective in mind, training is essential to boost our capacity for innovation, acquire new skills and benchmarks, and develop new ways of working together. For example, adapting a territory to climate change requires bringing together all the stakeholders, understanding their needs, and building a common project for the future. Succeeding in this collective dynamic requires new hard skills as well as interpersonal soft skills.

Traditional project management and monitoring-evaluation methods rarely take into account the human experience of the project’s stakeholders. Yet this is a key factor for success. 

In the face of climate risk, food security for all requires solid, well-managed cooperatives that are capable of multiplying their support to small producers

New leadership and management dynamics are emerging. For nearly 20 years, Kinomé has been training and educating in the engineering of Ethical Leadership which allows us to evolve individually and collectively to act positively in the world by creating environmental and social impact on a large scale.

The Ethical Leadership Engineering was created by Edel Gott and Kinomé works in partnership with the companies of the Ethical Leadership network.

Your needs

To train senior managers of institutions, companies, and civil society

in new technical and shuman skills to succeed in the ecological and climate transition

Help your teams

to improve the human functioning of projects, a key success factor known to all today but rarely integrated into project management and monitoring

Support small producer cooperatives

in the Global South to improve their operations, governance and technical skills

Train senior managers of institutions, companies, and civil society

in new technical and shuman skills to succeed in the ecological and climate transition

Help your teams

to improve the human functioning of projects, a key success factor known to all today but rarely integrated into project management and monitoring

Support small producer cooperatives

in the Global South to improve their operations, governance and technical skills

Kinomé's offer

Thanks to its international presence and its field network, Kinomé offers a long-term accompaniment in the deployment of your projects in the Global South, from the setting up to the daily management of the stakeholders, keeping the human being at the heart of our concerns.

Introduction to the benchmarks of Ethical Leadership

Facilitation of groups of stakeholders

Creation of South-South frameworks for dialogue and the exchange of best practices

Strengthening the governance

and management of small producer cooperatives

Our references

Climate training for governments

Training public institutions and representatives of civil society on the challenges of climate change and how to take it into account in public management, including training modules on life skills: 

  • Training in analysis and strategic planning tools for adaptation to climate change
  • Capacity building on access to climate finance and project development
  • Training on vulnerabilities and analysis tools

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut mollis justo tortor, id tempor enim lobortis eu. Sed ut eros molestie justo malesuada pretium. Etiam sodales nunc lacus, in eleifend tellus rutrum eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam non nibh nulla. Nulla sagittis nisi sit amet neque feugiat, ut consequat libero rutrum. Suspendisse turpis leo, auctor ut felis a, aliquet ullamcorper massa. Curabitur non nisi vel odio elementum porttitor. Vivamus et porttitor augue. Fusce sollicitudin ex eu scelerisque pharetra. Maecenas congue felis enim, vitae convallis erat sollicitudin sed. Pellentesque volutpat tincidunt consequat. Maecenas finibus mauris a ligula eleifend, eu consectetur tortor iaculis. Donec eleifend porttitor malesuada. Integer sollicitudin nisl non nunc cursus tincidunt. Proin vel cursus libero, sit amet iaculis felis.
